Total Ecplise and Book Recovery

2004-10-27 at 11:05 p.m.

Those who live in Texas and surrounding areas enjoyed a total eclipse of the moon this evening. It was very neat, because the sky went from being one shiny bright orb of the moon to having an overcast, dark orange moon and a sky full of stars. Very neat.

I have suffered a fall back in my attempt to become a non-addict to books. As you may recall, I confessed my book obsession about a week ago. Since then, I have made an effort to not read as much, or not read for pleasure. Simply where required. It hasn't been going well. People leave US and In Touch magazine in the breakroom, so not only am I reading for pleasure, I'm reading crap that irritates me for pleasure. Like I really needed/ wanted to know that Lisa Lohan spent $5,000 on a mink purse. We're talking a purse that cost twice what my car did. TWICE. To keep your ID and lipstick in. I lose my purse all the time. Right now I have a fake Kate Spade that someone left in Lost and Found (Which I found) that has a hole near the zipper that, astonishly enough, the only thing that tries to fall out is my emergency tampon. Humiliation in a striped bag.

So, back to books. Today I combed the romance section to make more space. Only two people in our store, including me, read romance. So I have to represent. oF course. I took 5 strips. So I restrained myself. For those who do not know, when the small paparback books get old, they do not get sent back to the publisher because they were so cheap to make that shipping them back would cost more then the book is worth. So instead all the covers are ripped off, and the books are thrown away or destroyed. We mail the publishers the covers. To a nonbook person, this system seems extremely wastefull and sick. However, I would say half the books get taken home by employees prior to hitting the trash can, and the other half belonged there to begin with. These coverless books are called "strips." They are illegal to sale, which is why once I'm done, they go into the recycling bin. So. Getting five free books is definately weaking my stop reading all the time deal. I have found that I get upset and bored without a book. Mostly during my lunch break. because... there is nothing to do in the break room. I talk to my food. This means i have to pay attention to the crap I'm eating. I have taken to reading food labels over and over while eating. Did you know off brand Cheese popcorn has 220 calories in it? I have read that at least a dozen times.

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