Do not Share your Underwear

2005-01-26 at 1:38 a.m.

Today at work I was really bored... and I ripped a tag out of the back of my pants. I actually did this in front of my co-workers. (which they didn't think was weird...) And I was like "I can't believe I ripped the tag out of my pants. Wait.. This tag says eight. Man, whoever stuck the tag in these was on crack. They're not eight. Maybe eight times three."
My coworkers laugh.
Me (and my big fat mouth) "I must of gotten these at Goodwill. Stilly homemade clothing people. All hopeful." They laughed and this was the moment that I realized I had NOT ripped the tag off my pants, but the tag off my UNDERWEAR. And was SHARING it with my co-workers.
Luckly, I did not share that with them, but we moved on to another topic.
Still. This has got to be a new record for me. How many people have shared their underwear size with their co-workers. I didn't even KNOW my underwear size before this. I guess I do now.

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