
2005-03-21 at 10:28 a.m.

Yesterday was my first day at the largest store in our area(store A). It was a lot slower then I thought. Since they have two levels, it was like being at my normal store(store B), except on a stair master. The people I've met so far seem very nice. And something weird I've noticed is there is a great deal of them who are shorter than me or the same height. I'm 5'2." At Store B, there was one other person the same height as me, and none shorter, and we both constantly had to deal with height discrimination (from customers, not cowokers).

I didn't get any of that today, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Oh, and on the toilet escapade... Since the tube and the shutoff valve were welded together we had to replace both parts. When I got to the home improvement store the guy in plumbing laughed at me and then grabbed everything I needed. It was nice not trying to figure it out on my own. So we got it fixed (a nice thing about living in a MUD, since I've heard people talk only about the bad, is when you needed your water turned off and can't figure out how since your water value is completely covered in dirt, they'll send someone out to turn it off, show you how, and all within 10 minutes of calling them.)

Now I must go do homework. bah.

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