Books and School

2005-07-09 at 12:33 p.m.


I've been sick. Right now, at this minute, I cannot speak. For some reason, I seem to get a sore throat whenever my wisdom teeth move around. Ironically, this hasn't been modivation enough to get them out yet. However, last week I noticed the new one on the left side is pushing my teeth IN towards the center of my mouth (personally, I was hoping they'd get pushed FORWARD to close the gaps between my fronter teeth) and my vanity has been enough to get me more modivated. And then I got a cold and hence cannot speak to call the experimental pain medication place about getting them out for money. Yep. Money wasn't a driving force either, but get my vanity in the way and by god, out they go. So guess what's number one on the call list monday?!

Paul came up with a brilliant idea for a book.. one that does not exist in print, which we know because we work in bookstores however every year we get three or four requests for it... so a week ago we started writing a non-fiction book on this topic. Am I going to share it with you? No. However, if you want know a few other book ideas that we get requests for but the book doesn't exist... I have email. Number one is attractive photographic books of locations that include both nature and city scapes. Remarkable few of those about for cities in the USA... so get your cameria and go out... And Baby Name books focused on a specific genre of names. For example, flower names and their meanings... and New Age (non-biblic) baby names. Yep.

My good friend Irish turned 22 yesterday. Happy b-day.

Best news of the year:

I am now in district for tuition costs at communty college. This means that next semester, I will spend more on my textbooks then my classes! WOOHOO! last full semester cost me $1300, This semester will be only $600!!! *happy dance*

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