Its worse when you embarrass yourself

2005-07-12 at 9:33 a.m.

Humilation story:

I've been a bit sick this week. I even took Friday and Saturday off work because I had completely lost my voice and was doing this nasty coughing up bits of stuffs. So, Saturday, I'm BORED OUT OF MY MIND... nothing on TV, I have no new books to read (already re-read three old ones) I can't go to the bookstore because I am seriously broke. Seriously. So I sit myself down with an old flyer from my teen book club and my scrapbooking stuff, and proceed to make a colorful and nifty new flyer for my book club. And I actually manage to get it to the library, this time.

I stand in line for several minutes and ask if I can post my fabulous poster. The guy says "Oh, ask him." Me: Who? Him?
Guy: Yeah, Him.
Me: The guy with the line of 20 people?
Guy: Yeah.

Yes! So I stand in line awhile longer, pass off my fabulous but maybe a bit wrinkled poster and decide to borrow a book. I checked, I've got 40 cents in late fees and I found that in the passenger side of my truck, so we're good to go. I'm looking around. I go upstairs (to the QUIET area) to look at fiction books when I get a horrible, horendous coughing fit. I rush to the bathroom, embarrassed to be hacking in front of all these other QUEIT people. And I start coughing MORE in the empty bathroom. I, in fact, end up coughing really hard and get some snot on the mirror. Yeah. That sick. I know, this story is gross, sorry.

My library doesn't carry paper towels, so I get some TP, get it wet, and climb up on the counter to clean off the mirror. Did I mention I didn't bother really getting dressed to go to the library? I mean, I'm sick. It's freaking obvious that I'm sick. So I just threw on some very old baggy green pants, and my old high school gym shirt. And now. Now you KNOW what happens...

My high school graduating class's senior student council president walks into the bathroom as I'm perched on the counter cleaning the mirror.

We united against tyranic teachers in freshman year. She was best friends with our yearbook editor (I was newspaper editor) and I wrote part of her graduating speech. There is NO WAY she doesn't recognize me.

She's all, Allison! It's good to see you!

And... I'm just not going to go into my responses or hers. But she's back in town because she'll be graduating a semester early and is checking out some graduate program at UT.

And I'm sitting on the library counter cleaning snot off the glass one mile from my highschool.

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