Badmouthing Competition

2004-04-10 at 12:46 a.m.

Well. So I've signed up for dairyland. I first had a page with Live Journal, but all my close friends used it as a breeding ground for getting anger and resentment out and read everyone elses journal like a bunch of vampires out for the kill. And, by changing to DiaryLand (which seems much more friendly anyway), I hope to get away from the Soap Opera world of Live Journal. I think these websites are very brilliant. I just want to write. So here, I shall write. About my favorite topic. Myself!

My fiance and I are buying a house in 5 days. I'm a nervious wreck. My main problem is we're leaving our apartment 3 months before our lease is up. Breaking lease would cost us 2100 dollars. Just not telling them and letting the lease run out would cost us 1500. So we hope they don't notice that we've had the power turned off. And the phone. And the water. Etc, Etc. Oh, and the big moving truck in a few days, too. Yep. The world would be great if they just didn't notice. So, other then that, we have to put new deposits on all our services after moving, plus get a washer, dryer, and fridge for the new house. We've had those picked out practically since we started looking at houses a year ago, though, so just coming up with the money will be a big deal. My Fiance sat down with the numbers last night and found out that for the first three months, what with the rent and house payment, if we sell plasma twice a week each and I get my wisdom teeth removed next month with experimental pain medication, after all our bills, we'll have $4.50 a day to eat off of! So I guess I'm back to insisting I LIKE ramen. Thank goodness we're getting a roommate first thing. The ironic part is by moving in with us, he can stop selling plasma to pay rent, while we'll have to start. Ah well. That's life.

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