Discontent with the way of the world

2004-04-14 at 9:01 p.m.

Went to the house inspection but they weren't ready. Why would you schedule a final walk through if you weren't ready for the house to be walked?? So we went back early this morning and walked. Our paperwork was delayed, so closing isn't happening until Friday. We still have to call the electric company to get the power turned on friday. Otherwise we'll be moving in the dark. Did a lot of packing today. I have quite a few more shoes then I remembered. I found my prom shoes, the only pair of heels I own. My feet look kinda bad in them, but I can't bear to throw them away. Moving just means I'm slammed with old memories. Like a picture in our kitchen right now of someone who used to be a friend and a coworker sitting together on the same chair looking at each other like they want to jump their bones. One of them I probably wont ever speak to again, so do I want to take the picture or leave it? Its a great moment as far as the parties I've had go, but it brings back many bad memories as well as good. Many people self-censor their memories, and I admit to doing some of it myself. "gee, I miss high school." ha.

After the walk through today, P and I ate at Benny's Bagels, which is around the corner from us, and open about the time we get up for work (2 pmish). We were sitting enjoying breakfast when two very preppy girls walked in. One in her short gym shorts and "Go Mavs" shirt and the other in pjs, in the middle of a school day and fully makeuped. I always felt really hostile around people like that in high school for about a million reasons, some of which I might mention. But i was feeling very angry looking at them, and I glanced at P, and my feeling must have shown on my face, because he asked if I wanted to go, and we went. In the car, I told him how I felt about it. How I can't stand people that so blatenly don't care because they are treated like little angels and can do no wrong, etc, etc. And about how I always felt ready to be violent around them. Listening to the conversation for any point where I can use words to rip and tear into their vineer of perfection... and he said he felt the same way. I thought it was interesting.

We bought appliances. Fridge was out of white in the design we want, and on clearence. So we are getting an almond colored fridge. :-( But we got the washer and dryer we wanted, two ceiling fans and a push lawnmower. All to be delivered on April 22. So no fridge until then. That's okay, though, because our electricity is on here until the end of the month. It cost $1623.54. But our mortgage broker said we'd probably get money back at the closing of our house. And paul's dad gave us a gift check that covers the amount we had to put on a credit card. So we own appliances outright.

Rumor has it C got the job he wanted, so I&C will be taking the apartment. This, of course, would be wonderful. I hope it's true. This means no plasma selling... unless we want to, of course. That could be my second job...

Our Cafe manager is getting married and moving away. P is applying for the job. I hope he gets it, he deserves it, even if it means I'd be moving to another store. I looked into our local Petco to see how it was, since they're hiring. I think they might be looking for high school students. I'm NOT looking forward to working with high school students again, but it would be nice to be somewhere where I'd have the chance to move up in the company. I am really sick of being looked over for promotion. I'm one of, what, 3 people who have completely been crosstrained? I'm BORED. I might have to abandon books for something where I can learn something new.

Someone tried to kill us on the road today. Really. I don't want to go into details, but I'll be calling for malicious help if I ever find that car again.

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