
2004-05-22 at 11:31 p.m.

Last night, after watching a show on pbs that ended with "knct, in the heart of texas" I turned to P and asked him "So, what state are we in?" Like we don't know. So many things happen only in texas. On the street we use to go everywhere, there has been a huge white pickup for sale on the side of the road for days. Its the kind that has a lift kit on in and tires that could possibly be 4 foot in diameter. Today when we drove by, some guy in a red truck with a smaller lift kit was parked beside it and peering in the windows. Cracked me up. Bigger is better in Texas.

If anyone knows of another state that has any of the following, please let me know.:

nacho chips in the shape of your state.

Pecan pies in the shape of your state.

Hubcaps in the shape of your state.

Walking stones in the shape of your state.

Hamburger patties in the shape of your state.

Bowls, plates, and silverware with the shape of your state molded into the handle.

Shoes with the shape of your state pressed into the tracking.

Custom trucks made for sale only in your state.

Molds for cakes in the shape of your state.

Icecube trays in the shape of your state.

People with tattoos of the shape of their state.

Cookie Cutters in the shape of your state. Cheese in the shape of your state.

Now. Guess where I live. Because I'm not sure I remember. _______________________________________ P and my mom and I went yard sale shopping today. We made a killing. We hit one in my mom's neighborhood and got 3 picture frames, a coffee table, a nice bookcase and a tin for 27 dollars. Then we went to the Habitats for humanities yard sale and got a whooping 14 pillows, one book, one greco pillar, a set of four tin tea cups all for $8.50. Oh yeah. Then I got the ultimate question at work today. I was so impressed with this question, I wished to bow down the the intellegence and wisdom of the customer. I am still charmed and bowled over by the simple words of one person who sticks out above all others. Of the hundreds of people I helped today and did my best dance for, this one has beaten them all to be forever imprinted on my mind. Keep in mind I work in a bookstore. "So, do you have to read to get a job here?" yes. Yes you do.

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