Adults Crying

2004-06-26 at 9:52 p.m.


Trully, I do want to update more often then I had. But I have such a hard time getting past the "hey, we're busy screen" that I usually give up. Even at two in the morning. I'm not happy about it, but I still really like diaryland. Question is, do I want to spend money? Sigh.

June 24

At the Deli, they have decided that the only people to be full time are the managers. No clerks can be full time. There is one full time person there. And they don't tell him this. He finds out when he looks at his schedule and sees that they've cut his hours from 40 to 29. So he goes running off to call the manager, and yells at her. Then he runs off to talk to the store director and is gone for two hours or so. Hes really upset when he comes back. So. He lost his full time status (he tells me this means he's losing 500 dollars a month), loses all his benifits, and his profit sharing. He goes off to do the dishes. I'm making salads. I can hear the dishwater going, the rotissere running, and the pressure fryer making noise. One by one they stop, and then I hear the sound of a grown man sobbing.

Its rather scary.

A person in the same position as me at the bookstore has gotten an Assistant Store Management position at a video store. its so cool. I'm so happy for her. I told her to let me know how she likes it, I might go there. I certaintly can't move up where I am.

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