
2004-07-17 at 11:55 p.m.

The person I was supposed to talk to was sick yesterday. I left a note for her. I'll just assume that she was sick today too and that's why its still not resolved. I also put my two weeks notice in at the deli. Screw 'em. Being near all that fried chicken was bad for my complexion anyway. I signed up for school today, signed up for tuition reembersment from the bookstore, and even called my mother. I feel so efficient. I'm taking four classes this sememster. Last time I tried that I had to drop one because it was too much what with the full time working and all, but I figured it would be worth trying again. Espically if the bookstore pays for the classes I pass. That'd be great.

My next post will be some sort of story I've written.

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