My mattress is better then sex.

2004-07-31 at 11:57 p.m.

At this point, our postal worker must think we're drug dealers.

Okay, there are three people currently living at my house (including me) Me, Paul, and our roomie, Chris. We still get mail for the people who used to live here because they never filled out a change of address. We were very nice, and forwarded mail the first two months. For the last two, we've been shredding it and recycling. And we know you have a visa and a citco card. You're FUCKED. LEARN TO USE MAIL FORWARD!! Sorry, anyway. So that's Jennifer, Phil, and Patrick. We also get Cody and Irish's mail because they needed to get apartment approval before they got their mail forwarded there. Not a problem. Our dear friend Allen shall visit in a week and his return train ticket will be mailed here. Certaintly not a problem. But I bet that the postal worker will think we're drug dealers. Or a cult. See.. this is a one car garadge house. Three bedrooms. But we are getting NINE peoples' mail. WTF????

Also, I haven't posted in a long time because Paul and I bought a new bed. We now have a queen sized bed. Its soft, its thick, and I've never slept so well in my life. I love expensive mattresses, even if I'll be paying for it for the next year. It was work every penny. Every single one. I love sleeping. The first night, I laid down and said to Paul "This may be better then sex." He gave me a "should I be insulted or impressed?" look, then lay down, too. After about five minutes, he says "I think you may be right."

My mattress is better then sex.

I walked a mile in 20 minutes today. This is the first time in my life I've ever done such a thing. I feel very accomplished.

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