I need a Suit

2004-10-02 at 10:21 p.m.

Someone called into work sick today because her grandpa got in a fight and smacked by a two by four. She had to take him to the hopital. Apperently, he started the fight. Somehow, I find this very interesting.

Sales, Sales, Sales. Possibly the job for me. We'll see.

I am doing a speech for human communications, and since its a group speech, I have found ourselves defending wal-mart for our speech. Personally, I feel wal-mart is the cess pool of ethical business and really I'm not too keen on defending them. But I've put my personal concerns aside and I only have one major hurdle to jump over before giving the speech. Not to sneer when I say "#1 retailor in the uSA."

On a further note. I've thought about the selling position nonstop. This is my horiscope today:

Daily extended (by Astrology.com)
Why are you doubting yourself? You have the talent, the skills and the brains to do whatever you set your mind to, but you're letting that little voice inside of your head hold you back. Let yourself see the greatness that is within you and that all your friends can see. For now, do what you set out to do and the big picture will hopefully fall into place another time

And this is Paul's horiscope today:
Daily extended (by Astrology.com)
You probably already know that it isn't going to work. However, you feel obligated to go along with someone else's plan just to make them feel supported -- and good for you. This attitude might seem like a waste of time to some people, but you see it as a way to be respectful and encouraging. Besides, you have some free time on your hands anyway. If you go along for the ride, you might be able to be of service once the plan reaches its inevitable conclusion.

Uff Da

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