Makeup and Blog Book

2004-10-08 at 8:37 p.m.

I bought the book "Do Not Threaten To Eat Your Co-Workers: Best of Blogs" today. Uncle bob ( has a blog in there, as well as a page and a half Q&A. It was so weird to see it there. Like I knew a famous person, even though I know Uncle Bob has never seen my diary and doesn't know me, and I barely know of him. I bought it because I was returning all the blog books, and I've been stopping to read one or two of the blogs each day, and today I had to return every book on blogging. I couldn't do it. I bought the book instead. I was.. very suprised to see the depth and meaning of all these blogs. It certaintly made an effect on me. Perhaps I'll try to be a better writer. I simply think of writing like this as getting out what's on my mind so that I don't talk off some poor soul's ear. And I know Paul's folks use it as a way to see what he's up to, since he's horrible about calling and writing. And I like to think I occationaly say something intellegent. Perhaps I'll have to clean up. Spell Check. Take it seriously... naa. I shall not be "best of blogged" but I can have my personal best of blog moments. I just won't tell anyone about it.

I went to Ulta today with my mother. I felt like I had acidently stepped into an alien landscape. I was wearing the same pants I've been wearing for the past four days since I have no time to do laundry. And my favorite (read: old) hoodie and a white t-shirt. Dirty hair in a pony tail as per usual, and no makeup. And mud covered flip flops. I am the height of class. So I go in there, with my mom, who is a tiny chemically aided red head to get some shampoo. All the people around us were tall, mostly thin, and wearing nice clothes. They had on nail polish and eyeliner (even the guy) and looked shiny. It freaked me out. I humbly took my shiny(greasy) self over to the purfume. I got Celine Dion purfume up my nose. Luckily no one saw me and I got to hide out amoung the blow dryers until my mom was ready to go. And we went to Best Buy, where I DO actually know how to shop. DVD-RM!
Although, to be honest, I'm not makeup stupid. I just don't fit in with a Ulta-ish crowd. At least not in shiney suberbia, which is were we went. I rarely wear makeup. When I was ten, I asked and got the Cindy Crawford makeup book, and proceeded to make myself up to look skankyer then a whole block of hookers. This is went I realised that makeup was like painting on a canvas, and I tended to leave big huge blobs of paint where they didn't really go. In ninth grade I whipped out chapstick and the girl beside me in class asked if I knew how to put chapstick on. That is how rare it was, and is, for me to wear makeup. But, thanks to Cindy Crawford, I do know what to put and wear. And when to wear it. And I don't think I need to wear it unless I'm going to be on tv or to an oprah. Or a job interview. So.. I don't wear much makeup. From watching my mom, though, the only place I know how to put makeup on is in the car.

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