Research Paper

2004-10-17 at 7:55 p.m.

I've been doing massive amounts of research for my research paper. Trying, really, to find an intersting topic. I really wanted to find something that I could do that was personal to me. So for awhile I settled on "Is it easy to find personal information on the internet about other people?" And I searched for my father, who I haven't seen since I was 6. I killed that idea since I couldn't find him online. I found several other people with his name, but none were him, since I could also find their ages. None of the people were the right age. I was... disappointed/releaved. I don't know if I'd be happy if I got that information. Its been so long. I mean, whenever I look myself up online I find 20 matches or so. I'm everywhere. And if you know my screen name... the list is endless. Its all from things I was really active in, got awards in, etc. Obviously my father is a loser. I knew that before since I am fabulous and he has never bothered to seek me out. So he must be a loser. And I don't like associating with losers. On the other hand... it would be nice to know where he was. Of course, I could always end up calling him if I knew, and that might not be a good idea. He's not an upstanding guy. Last I heard from him, the police had found his ID in a stolen car, but they didn't think he had stolen it. They thought he was hitchhiking and the guy who had stolen it at given him a ride. So I've settled on drug testing.. "Is drug testing employees an ethical decision?" It will be interesting.

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