Is my brain still there?

2005-02-23 at 12:25 a.m.

My brain. It no longer works. 8 hours of work, followed by 5 hours of homework and one 20 minute hike uphill... Although why its uphill both away from my house and back to my house, I have yet to figure out.
Followed by what was supposed to be a 30 minute nap but, as the boys spaced out playing video game golf, ended up being a 2 hour nap and then 3 hours more of homework (so far).

Procrastination is bad, mmkay?

I just had to take a break for my poor brain. I only have 30 more pages to read of this textbook tonight, and, of course, 5 chapters worth of homework (2 months worth of homework!) to make up.

Being sick? Sucks. I'm so behind. Good side, the test I took while delirously high on cough medicine I got a 97 on. And I don't remember taking it. Or driving to class. Or anything.

Customer of the day:
"How much is this?"
"Its 9.95."
"With tax?"
"There is no tax on bibles."
"Very funny. How much is it with tax?"
"Texas does not tax bibles."
"I'm asking a simple question. I expect a real response."
"Its 9.95 including all applicable taxes."
"Oh. Okay."

I have begun considering becoming a public speaker. I'd like to be an advocate for better communication. I'd like to teach all people how to improve their listening skills and perhaps teach others how to read body language so there would be much less uncertainty on the feelings of others. It seems that the difference between honesty and lying is much harder for most people to identify then I thought.

Just a thought.

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