My transfer begins.

2005-02-26 at 9:55 p.m.

I just wrote something I wanted to put here on my journal and then realized I couldn�t because it bared a part of my soul I�d rather share with complete strangers then with the people I know, and people I know have this journal address.

How�s that for crummy?

Anyway, it has been a day of reflection for me as I prepare to leave the place I�ve worked for almost 5 years. I�ve got at least two weeks before I go. And I haven�t really told anyone, other then management (who already knows I�ll be transferring.) What do you say? I�ve never left a job like this before. I mean, �hey, I�ve been working with y�all for five years, I love you, most of you are invited to my wedding, most of you know as much about me as my closest friends� see ya �round?� Does that work?

On the other hand, I�ve already heard from the people who know �What are we going to do without you?� Which makes me very happy. I�m glad I�ll be missed. Of course, I�ll go by often. I live practically next door� And I haven�t mentioned my transfer to friends and family yet. (Except Paul.) I�m waiting until its totally permanent, final, set in stone, and I know the exact date. So, shh.

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