My Cup Runith Over

2005-07-31 at 12:38 p.m.

So. Worked yesterday. For the most part it went very well. Except I caught Borg and her menion talking about me. CAUGHT THEM. Borg is upset that I'm ignoring her evil advances into smack talking.

(what she actually said is "that bitch hasn't said a thing about us talking...")


Personally, I think that is extremly weird.

Also, we had a safety meeting (where you go out with your co workers and drink...) and her former menion blew off something Borg was doing to go to the safety meeting. HA I say.

In some ways, my ability to ignore what I know is going on and function in a normal way bothers me. Is it two faced? I don't know. Then again, am I simply fulfilling the expectations of my position by "being the better person" and ignoring it? I don't think that's it either. I'm rarely the better person.

My lottery ticket didn't win either.

In other news, did you know Oreos with a cup of milk is 15 points on Weight Watchers? MY GOD! I made Paul eat them all. (well, I had the last one this morning.) So. Yeah. Gotta buy some veggies. (don't count 'em, I understand.)

Now that its cooled down a bit I've been driving with the windows down again in my car. The difference between the color of my lower arm and upper arm is amazing.

And after writing all that I finally remembered the story I was going to share last post but forgot about.

Thursday I went to a safety meeting with the good ole store people. We went to our usual bar, and it was empty. The bartender said "I was just going to close up" and we said "We have about 8 people coming. What do you think about staying open?" And he said "For you guys, I will." AWWWW.

And somehow I didn't end up paying for a drink the whole night. He had to switch kegs on our woodchuck (me and angela were sharing a pitcher) so I got a drink no one paid for... I have no idea who paid for the two pitchers we went through. And I started having a conversation with Hethr. (that's how she spells her name) about bras... because we always, ALWAYS end up talking about boobs. Its just a thing. So I was saying we should open a custom bra shop named "My Cup Runith Over" which she thought was very funny. Even sober, its funny. And that makes me think it could be a good idea... hmmm. ANyway, after that I was drunk enough to have the epifany that I was the only girl in our group that didn't have peirced nipples. Yet I was not drunk enough to go get it done. The thought that I have no money sobered me up a hell of a lot.

Anyway. A guy with us (who I'm trying to hook my friend, one of the nipple team, up with) was all about an after party. SO I was TRYING to make them have an after party of two. The hardest part was to get Paul to come away. He's all "can't you drive home by yourself" and I said "No. Look at me. I've had more than a pitcher of beer. I can't drive!" So he trys to hoist me off on Angela... we carpooled since she lives so close. But she was in on my sneaky ways and told him she wasn't going to drive a strange car through two counties at two in the morning with slightly less than a pitcher of beer in her. Jerk.

Anyway, so he takes us home.. Hethr is wise to vibes and left too. But I still don't think it ended up being a party of two. Hey, I did what I could.

As revenge, I changed the background picture of Paul's computer.

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