
2005-08-31 at 1:45 p.m.

Yesterday was my first day off school.

Well, it was supposed to be Monday, but my work couldn't work with my school schedule so its now just three classes on tuesday thursday.

I got to Financial Accounting.
I picked up all 12 handouts.
I sat in awe as the teacher began lecturing on the first chapter (expecting us to respond as well) when two, count 'em, TWO people had the book.

One of them hadn't even taken it out of the plastic yet.

See... accourding to the website, you had to CHECK WITH YOUR TEACHER FIRST on what book they were using before buying it. One was 100 dollars. the other 150. THankfully, my teacher is using the 100 dollar one. Which I bought from Angela for 50 bucks.


I also got my Sm Buz Management book online for 10 dollars.


But I'll be paying full price for the new MacroEco book (they just switched this semester. I've carted the old one around for two years and they switch days before I'm getting back to the class... *sigh* No used ones available. But hey, what's 100 dollars? It wasn't like I was planning to do anything IMPORTANT with that money. I don't have bills or anything.

So, final count.
Dropped a class.

Tuition: $1200
Books: $175.37 (tax)
Gas (to class): $240

Not too bad, I guess.

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