Allie's 22nd Bday Party (pictures)

2005-09-01 at 2:28 p.m.

Finally getting around to talking about my birthday party. It was a great deal of fun. Lots of people came by to wish me a good one and to partake of the hamburgers and hot dogs.

So. Pictures! (thank you, Irish)

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Its me and Paul! This is right when our party started... my hair is still wet!

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Here's Angela, the one who shall be my maid of honor, and her boyfriend, Tony. They couldn't stay late, but they came buy, and Angela gave me a most wonderful book missing from my collection of books by Briad Froud... the Lady Cottington Pressed Fairy Letters! I didn't even know it was out. Its the current coffee table book. Very awesome.

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Here's irish, the photographer and my roomate... Just chillin' in her new shirt. She has lost quite a bit of weight recently, and still is surpized that she can wear 10/12 and that tight clothes look good on her.

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This is hethr. She's someone I worked with at the old store. We always end up talking about boobs for some reason. She's highly entertaining and fun to be around. I'm glad she and her husband, David (see below) could make it to my party.

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My birthday was the first time I got to actually sit down and talk with him. Its amazing! We actually have quite a bit in common. (At least how we feel about neighbors) I can see why she loves him.

Many more photos can be seen at Irish's Photobucket Account.

Now I'm off to the invigorating Sm. Business Management.

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