Lost things and found skills

2005-10-08 at 11:21 a.m.

I'm fuckered.

I lost my macroeconomics book...
My teacher is HUGE on notes... as in, there will be 116 questions on the test, 100 of which are from notes.

Guess were every single scrap of paper was for me for that class...


I got some of the handouts from him thursday, and I'll be back by his office tuesday to get the rest... I don't know if I can afford 109 dollars again.


In other news, Tuesday i did my first ear peircing...

I was way more nervous than the peircee... But they were nice and even. The whole time, though, I'm thinking "I'm going to screw up and get sued." I kept dropping things. But I did two more when I worked Thursday, and that wasn't nearly as bad. So far, the kids i've done were 12, 7, and 8. I'm not sure how its going to go with the little kids... Kids as young as 3 months can get their ears peirced. I don't like the idea of peircing someone so young (with such tiny ears).

Anyway, back to surfing the internet, trying to find a cheap macroeconomics book.

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